May 2022

We have a problem

The number of school shootings in the United States is a problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. Surely, reasonable people would agree with that statement, even if they agree on almost nothing else regarding the issue of guns in our country.
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Letter to the Editor: Thank you to my Carroll County village

It took a village to help me develop the skills to become a physician. I have formally graduated from the UAMS Medical School earning both honors in research and honors in global health and community service. This experience has been enlightening, humbling and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I want to extend enormous gratitude to my family, friends and community for the boundless love and support I have received over the past eight years. Your encouragement, confidence in my abilities and words of affirmation have given me the strength to thrive in medicine.
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Letter to the Editor: Housing needed

Dear Editor: What better group to address Carroll County’s dire housing need than the Quorum Court? Yet, when Suzie and Dan Bell appeared before them recently about the problem, members seemed reluctant. The court has $2 million available to use under the American Rescue Plan, so why not allocate this money to a group like Echo Village and get things rolling a bit faster.
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Signing Day

Surrounded by friends, family, coaches and teammates, three Green Forest High School athletes signed letters of intent Wednesday to continue their careers at the college level next season. Myndy Zamora (left) will play for the first women’s soccer team at North Arkansas College in Harrison. Jazmany Lopez (center) will play football for Arkansas Baptist College in Little Rock and Pablo Leon (right) will play for the men’s soccer team at North Arkansas College. Photo courtesy of Patricia Kilbourn
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Pet of the Week

This week’s Pet of the Week is Mishka. Mishka is a sweet, senior kitty who is recovering from the loss of a loved one. Mishka is orange and white and thinks a spot on your couch would be the perfect retirement home. If you are wanting a mature, love-bug of a kitty please come and meet Mishka. The Good Shepherd Humane Society Adoption Center is open every day from noon to 5 p.m. Submitted photo
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ES Hospital scholarship

Eureka Springs Hospital CEO Angie Shaw, right, presents the hospital’s $1,500 scholarship to Eureka Springs High School senior Alison Smith on Friday, May 20. Smith plans to pursue a career in medical coding. Submitted photo
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