After a two-year hiatus, princesses will have the opportunity to dance the night away again at the Berryville Community Center. The Third Annual Berryville Rotary Club Princess Ball, presented by Richard Mary Lou Harp, will be held from 6 p.m.
The Eureka Springs City Advertising and Promotion Commission officially has one new member. Another will have to wait at least two more weeks for confirmation.
Ahead of its regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 10, the Eureka Springs school district delivered its annual “Report to the Public.” Superintendent Bryan Pruitt said the yearly report is an important way to let parents and guardians know exactly what their children are working on in school.
Nearly two years ago, I arrived in Carroll County as a stranger to almost everyone. In fact, I could count the number of local residents I knew on two fingers. One of them, Scott Loftis, has been a good friend, adviser and confidante for more than 20 years.
Berryville Mayor Tim McKinney, an Entergy retiree, has had his eye on the former Entergy building in Berryville for a while now. McKinney believed the building could provide extra space for the Berryville city government, and the asking price of $429,500 for a 5,832-square-foot commercial building sitting on 2.137 acres is a bargain for any buyer.
Teresa Dian Villines of Berryville, Arkansas was born in Harrison, Arkansas on May 29, 1964, to Sam “Bill” and Ovie (Sams) Huber. Teresa passed away October 6, 2022, at the age of 58.