With just a couple of weeks left before school begins, Berryville ninth-graders Bryce Smith (left) and Carson McMellon take advantage of the Berryville city pool on Monday, July 31.
A hearing has been scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 15, in the ongoing class-action lawsuit over the “$18 fee” that was included on real-estate tax bills for Carroll County property owners in 2018 and 2019.
Keeling Grubb’s First Amendment right to free speech and interfered with his civil rights were violated when the city of Eureka Springs denied him a Conditional Use Permit to operate a gun and pawn shop in the city, Grubb’s attorney argues in a complaint filed in Carroll County Circuit Court.
The city of Eureka Springs has officially been given the green light to increase the water portion of utility bills for residents and businesses by 25 percent.
Throughout Good Shepherd‘ s history the tireless efforts of our volunteers over the decades have enabled Good Shepherd in becoming the oldest, most effective no-kill shelter in Carroll County.