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All-Screens Game Night Friday at library

Calling all tween and teen gamers! Meet at the Berryville Library this Friday, March 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. for All-Screens Game Night. You will have two hours of free reign in the library to play any game that can be played on a screen! Guitar Hero will be on the Playstation, a Wii station will be set up, and all 10 library computers will be available without limits on volume or laughter. This is an evening of fun teens and tweens won’t want to miss!
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New moratorium proposal on county agenda

One month after a proposed ordinance that would have imposed a a temporary moratorium on the construction of commercial wind and solar energy facilities in the Carroll County was pulled from the county quorum court’s agenda at the request of its sponsor, a new proposal is on the agenda for the court’s regular meeting on Tuesday, March 18.
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