
July is Military Consumer Protection Month

This July, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and the Federal Trade Commission are highlighting consumer protection issues that impact many American consumers, specifically those members of the United States Armed Forces. While no one is immune from falling prey to scams, there are certain scams that are directed to those who serve the nation in uniform.
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60th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Summers recently celebrated their 60th anniversary at the home of their son Jim Ed and his wife, Callie, in Goshen. They were married June 9, 1962, at Freeman Heights Baptist Church in Berryville. They have two sons, Jim Ed (Callie) and Matt (Beth), five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. They now live in Fayetteville. Submitted photo
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80th Birthday

Family and friends of Sharon Simkins are invited to a birthday celebration honoring Simkins and “her 80 years of Life, Love, and Laughter.” The celebration will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 31, at the Green Forest Cowboy Church. Submitted photos
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‘We’re on the edge of a disaster’
Drought prompting Arkansas ranchers to sell cattle

As triple-digit temperatures and weeks without rain suck the life out of pastures and hay meadows, Arkansas’ cattle producers are having to sell part or all of their herds. Kevin Lawson, who directs extension activities in the 25-county Ozark District, an area heavy in cattle, doesn’t mince words about what he has seen.
Read More‘We’re on the edge of a disaster’
Drought prompting Arkansas ranchers to sell cattle

Only Getting Hotter

The sign at Berryville’s Church on the Hill displays the temperature just after 3 p.m. Friday, July 15. The National Weather Service reported a high of 99 degrees that afternoon, but even warmer temperatures are expected this week. The NWS forecast calls for daily highs of near 103 degrees Tuesday, July 19, and near 102 degrees Wednesday, July 20. Scott Loftis / Carroll County News
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Helicopters transport 5 from hotel

Four people were transported by helicopter to area hospitals Saturday morning after exhibiting symptoms of possible carbon monoxide poisoning at a Eureka Springs hotel. Gary Inman, assistant chief for Eureka Springs Fire & EMS, said a total of 24 patients were treated after the incident at Stonegate Lodge on East Van Buren Avenue.
Read MoreHelicopters transport 5 from hotel

Park needs major repairs, ES council hears

Much-needed renovations and improvements to Basin Spring Park had the Eureka Springs City Council’s full attention at its regular meeting Monday, July 11. Parks director Scott Miskiel shared with the council the needs for the popular park in downtown Eureka Springs and the frustration that comes with trying to figure out how to pay for all the needed work.
Read MorePark needs major repairs, ES council hears