Taking the fear out of surgerySeptember 19, 2023Surgery is scary enough for any of us, but when you are a child, and everyone is bigger than you, it can feel like a nightmare.Read MoreTaking the fear out of surgery
Transparency? Not so muchSeptember 12, 2023This week, the FOIA needs all the support it can get.Read MoreTransparency? Not so much
Searching for sensitivitySeptember 12, 2023Phil Kaplan, one of Arkansas’ premier civil rights attorneys, died earlier this year, robbing yours truly of his best sounding board on matters Jewish. Read MoreSearching for sensitivity
Land useSeptember 12, 2023Carroll County HAS a “LAND USE ORDINANCE” that was passed in 1998 by the Carroll County Quorum Court. Read MoreLand use
PanhandlersSeptember 5, 2023I saw a Facebook post earlier this week about “panhandlers,” who have become a regular sight at the stoplight near our local supercenterRead MorePanhandlers
Bear with meSeptember 5, 2023Young soldiers, far away from home and missing their families, discover a bear cub. Read MoreBear with me
A ‘lane’ for Asa?September 5, 2023There’s this fellow named Tim Stanley, who started life as a liberal but has become steadily more conservative. Read MoreA ‘lane’ for Asa?
Be safeAugust 29, 2023 I tend to intentionally not think about things that worry me. Read MoreBe safe
A debate, then?August 29, 2023Asa Hutchinson won a space on the Wisconsin debate platform. Read MoreA debate, then?
Beach boycott?August 22, 2023 This is a big change for a big fella. He’s just above 200 pounds now, and justly proud of himself.Read MoreBeach boycott?