Kansas paper does its job
Any decent newspaper is going to make some folks angry. It comes with the territory.
Read MoreKansas paper does its jobTo a cherished Arkansan
Hoyt Purvis, whose 83 years ended in May, was honored Aug. 4 in a memorial service at the University of Arkansas
Read MoreTo a cherished ArkansanAn open letter to the Carroll County Quorum Court
We represent citizens of Carroll County concerned about Scout’s proposed Nimbus industrial wind turbine farm. We oppose these wind turbines. We believe there are serious deficiencies in the proposed ordinance to be considered by the Quorum Court on August 15, 2023.
Read MoreAn open letter to the Carroll County Quorum CourtHow will Hogs do in 2023?
The dog days of August are upon us, and that means football season can’t be too far away.
Read MoreHow will Hogs do in 2023?Airborne activity
DALLAS – He is hardly a stranger to Arkansas, this old friend, who decided some years ago to leave newspapering for the greater security that an airline job seemed to promise.
Read MoreAirborne activityUnderstanding our universe
Max and his friends worry about the future of the world.
Read MoreUnderstanding our universeThe joy of six
Producing a weekly newspaper is a labor of love, but it isn’t always easy.
Read MoreThe joy of sixDeadlier than fiction
We helped save the motion picture industry, my wife and I. We saw “Oppenheimer,” which depicts the creation of the atom bomb and profiles the physicist who, more than any other scientist, fathered the device.
Read MoreDeadlier than fiction