
Support our local libraries

Dear Editor, After witnessing decisions made by lawmakers in our capitol building and in neighboring states, I cannot sit quietly by and wait until “this too shall pass.” In Carroll County, we’re blessed to have wonderful public libraries filled with the most amazing, hard-working staff members that any community should be proud to support. I live in Berryville so am speaking about my experiences at the Berryville Public Library.
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A visit long overdue

Lisa and I left another small flag next to my grandfather’s headstone before we walked back to our car and drove back to North Little Rock to return to our weekend fun. Visiting the cemetery was a bittersweet experience — a stark reminder of how much I miss the people who helped shape me but a reminder, too, of how fortunate I was to have them and how blessed I am to carry their memories in my heart.
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Students deserve kudos

Iwant to start off this month’s Bobcat Buzz by celebrating some of our awesome students! First, Berryville High School senior Gisselle Estrada was chosen to represent North Arkansas College at the state Skills USA competition in Hot Springs. Congratulations to Ms. Estrada!
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A life-changing decision

There’s a new photo accompanying this column and, if I do say so myself, it looks just a little different. Over the past five months, I’ve lost more than 100 pounds since undergoing weight loss surgery in November.
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Lucky, again

She could not help it, could not stop sending text messages, making phone calls. Thank Heaven for cell phones, she thought; their conventional, old-fashioned, wireline phone had minutes ago stopped offering a dial tone. Please, let the cell towers keep functioning. The cable television signal was as yet uninterrupted. They are at their best, the TV weather people, when the weather is its worst.
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Attacking FOIA

If you read this column even occasionally, you’re likely familiar with my thoughts on the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Arkansas’ public-records law is one of the strongest in the nation and it’s an important tool not just for journalists but also for citizens who want to know what their government is doing.
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Lessons from the young

It was our best spring break ever. No classes, but we learned so much. The oldest grand, a ripe old 25 and newly (and thus far happily) married and master’s-degreed magna cum laude, enjoyed her last spring break a couple years ago. Except not; she now spends those precious days helping people younger than she, most of them female, assess what they plan to do after the respite ends; that is, what they plan to do with the rest of their lives. Counseling, after a fashion, while using a golf course as a chalkboard and a putter as a pointer. Adulthood: It’s closer than they think, she tells them; she, who is in the first third of her wonderful life. And, Heaven Bless, she made time for her grandparents, stopping off to share with them the advice she was passing along to her charges, which amounted to a refresher course for her elders. She was telling them that education was paramount, that they could learn about some things in life, as she had, on the fairway, but that other lessons could only be learned in the classroom. So they absolutely had to put their textbook education first.
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Iwoke up a little later than usual Monday morning, but still early enough that I was surprised when I checked my phone and saw a new Facebook message. As it turned out, the message was sent at 2:34 a.m.
Read MoreForgiveness

New threats and old

It had been a glorious Tex-Mex feast: a big basket of chips and a big pewter pond of salsa followed by a big platter of great stuff; and, to raise the octane level, a dish of sliced jalapenos. Shortly after lunch, the tickle in the throat began.
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